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Dr. Jared Andrews Patients


VP: I've never been to a Chiropractor but this first visit was awesome. Dr. Jared was very much kindly to new patients. The overall environment is friendly oriented and helpful in making sure of your comfort and in easing any discomfort due to injuries...If you need help in body injuries due to auto accident...Village Chiropractic Clinic is the place to be...

 MGH:  Large herniated disk at L4-5 with recurrent back aches, leg pain and hip pain . After treatment back pain diminished, hips straightened out, better flexibility and leg pain under control.

 FK: I was having severe headaches and my [medical] doctor sent me to a neurologist. I had an MRI and was told...nothing could be done except medication.  I discussed this with Dr. Andrews.   He x-rayed me and said he thought he could help.  After treatments I have the feeling back in my feet and headaches are gone. Thank you.

 JB: Pain in my lower back shooting down my leg. Pain in my upper back causing great difficulty in my job and everyday life.  Headaches often severe.  Since I've been receiving chiropractic care I rarely ever get pain down my leg. Any pain I do get in my upper and lower back is  always relieved with my chiropractic care.  I also used to take sinus pills all the time for pressure and headaches.  Chiropractic care has relieved the sinus pressure and headaches which is wonderful since I rarely ever take pills anymore.  Chiropractic care has improved my quality of life in ways I never realized it could.

MAR: I was experiencing right side numbness and tingling.  My medical doctor was not able to determine a cause or cure.  With an initial assessment and one adjustment the numbness and tingling completely dissappeared along with the fear that I might be having a T.I.A. or stroke.  ALSO Prolonged opening of my mouth during a root canal procedure caused a painful locking of my jaw.  Physical therapy produced little results.  One treatment by Dr. Andrews unlocked this painfully locked down jaw.  It took several weeks before I could fully open my mouth, but before his treatment the jaw was completely and painfully locked and would not move forward. 

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Dr. Andrews' Office Hours:


9:00 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-5:45 pm


2:00 pm-5:45 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-5:45 pm


2:00 pm-5:45 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm

2:00 pm-5:45 pm



